Sunny Days in Jersey
I haven’t been feeling myself for a few weeks now can’t really put my finger on it.
But then,
I feel like I haven't been feeling myself for the past 10 years of my life.
People say bottling up your emotions isn’t all that great.
Welp, mine’s currently lost at sea.
It might have washed up somewhere that I've never been to.
So if
Someone might have found it and set it on a red shelf in their kitchen on a yellow wall.
The Bottle,
Top sealed off with a wine stopper with blue green tint.
Dust sitting
On some of the bottles where the 6:45 morning light hits in the middle of spring.
Foot steps,
Some are walking. Others are running, with voices to follow.
Smelling Coffee,
Grabbing a plate from a shelf to use for pancakes and bacon.
Dogs looking,
At the family wagging his tail like it’s no one’s business.
Saying goodbye for the day mother is going to work, father going to see his dad in Jersey.
The kids go for the joy ride to see their grandfather with the radio blasting 97.1 with today's hits.
Speeding with trees heading to the expressway with a dollar to my name to give to people sitters.
Seeing my grandfather’s place is usually pretty wicked at all times.
Because that’s a homie spot with some homie feelings.
With the time being 10:47 with the yellow sun hitting it, seeing every shadow casted.
The crisp blue sky with clouds that shaped like goldfish that would pass every other hour.
There with a gaze longer than 30 meter dash is really relaxing.
Usually when leaving would strike, but not before hitting up to the local BK
At last where everyone is confronted by their presence with open arms.
When I see you next don’t let me tell you my first goodbye, without saying my last hello.
When time fades memory and loved ones are no longer with us, what is left? Photos
- Unknown